Leading traders in petroleum
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Trading and supplying of marine fuels, that arose from thousands of relations across the oil and shipping industries.
Trading, Supply & Transporting petroleum & petroleum products.

Petroleum Trading & their By-Products
Since its inception, trading has been the Future Energy’s main activity. Today, we are experienced in various petroleum products that include gasoline, gasoil, fuel oil, and many others.

Bunkering & Supply
Future Energy is in the business of storage & supply of maritime fuels to vessels, barges and other offshore users of fuel oils.
Our Trading
Our oil & gas trading team has many years of experience working with government owned producers, leading oil traders and energy multinationals. This has given us critical insight into how to put together deals, assess risks and advise on trading issues and the financing, transport and supply of oil and gas.
Our Range of Products
- Crude Oil (light & heavy)
- Kerosene (jet fuel A1)
- Gasoline
- Gasoil
- Bitumen

How can we help you?
Let us know how we can help you with your existing or future projects, and one of our representatives will contact you shortly.